CASE NO: Commercial IPR Suit (L) No.18595 of 2022
CASE TITLE: Bhanushali Studio Vs Telegram
NAME OF HON'BLE COURT: In the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Bombay
NAME OF HON'BLE JUDGE: Hon'ble Circuit Judges Mr. Justice R.I. Chagla
Brief Note on the case: 1.Plaintiff filed the subject matter suit with relief of inter-alia interim injunction for removal of infringing links having Plaintiff's subject matter film titled as Janhit Mein Jaari.
2.In this case, the Defendants were not known, however infringing activities were going on web links available on internet.
3. The Hon'ble recognized the concept of John doe order as mention in Notice of Motion 854/15 in Suit (L) 271/15 order dated 1.07.2016 titled as Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd. Vs. Gujarath Telelink Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. and Notice of Motion (L) 3549/15 in Suit (L) 1326/15 order dated 17.12.2015 titled as Red Chillies Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Vs. M/s. Hathway Sonali Om Crystal Cable Pvt. Ltd. Anr. In both the matter, the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature passed orders which are in the nature of John Doe order. Para 7-10.
4. Accordingly , in the present matter also John Doe order of Injunction was passed against the defendants.
Ajay Amitabh Suman, IPR Advocate,
Hon’ble Delhi High Court,,
कॉफी बनाम चाय युद्ध – एक अदालत में टकराव
कॉफी बनाम चाय युद्ध – एक अदालत में टकराव
अदालत में दो वकील, श्रीमान A और श्रीमान B, एक बेहद गर्मागर्म बहस में उलझे
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