Judgement Date:01.09.2022
Case No. CS(COMM) 363 of 2017
Hon'ble High Court of Delhi
Navin Chawla, H.J
Perfetti Van Melle S.P.A Vs Suresh Nanik Lilaram
Plaintiff filed cancellation petition against registered Trademark of the defendant before the trademark registry prior to intuition of the suit. Hence no need to frame issue regarding invalidity of defendants trademark. Para 9,14
Under Section 124 of the Trademarks Act, the suit pertaining to Infringement can be stayed and not qua passing off. Para 21,26
Ajay Amitabh Suman, IPR Advocate, Hon'ble High Court of Delhi.
ajayamitabh7@gmail.com, 9990389539
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कॉफी बनाम चाय युद्ध – एक अदालत में टकराव
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