Thursday, September 20, 2012



+ CS(OS) 373/2011

Judgment dated 12.01.2012
Through :Mr. Sanjay Jain, Sr. Adv. with Ms.Charu Mehta, Ms. Deepali and Ms. Prabsahay Kaur, Advs.
Through :Mr. S.K. Bansal, Mr. Ajay Amitabh Suman and Mr.Keshav Ch. Thakur, Advs. for defendants no.2 to 4.

G.S.SISTANI, J. (ORAL) I.A.NO.6112/2011

    1. Plaintiff has filed the present suit for injunction against infringement of copyright, infringement of trade mark, passing off, breach of contract, delivery up, damages and rendition of accounts. Along with the plaint, plaintiff has filed I.A.2476/2011 under Order XXXIX Rules 1 and 2 CPC for grant of ex parte ad interim injunction.

    2. While issuing summons in the suit and notice in the application on 18.2.2011, this Court had passed an interim order, by which the only defendant, M/s Data Infosys Limited, was restrained from using, copying, reproducing and/or distributing any software application developed by using the SDK or BES software of the plaintiff till the next date of hearing. Defendant was also restrained from using the mark „Berry‟ as a part of its trademark or trade name or any other name similar to the plaintiff‟s trademark BlackBerry till the next date of hearing. Relevant portion of the order dated 18.2.2011 reads as under:

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      1. Allowed, subject to the plaintiff filing all the original documents relating to this case within its power and possession within 10 days.

      2. The application stands disposed of.


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      1. Issue summons in the suit and notice in application to the defendant by ordinary process, registered AD post as well as dasti,
      returnable on 24May, 2011.
      2. The plaintiff is a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada. The plaintiff was founded in the year 1984 and claims to be the first wireless data technology developers in the world. The plaintiff is manufacturing and marketing wireless solutions for the mobile communications in the name of BlackBerry. The trademark BlackBerry was adopted by the plaintiff in the year 1999 and its wireless solution allows the users to stay connected with the wireless access to e-mails, corporate data, phone, web and organizer features. The plaintiff has incurred huge amount on research and development. The figures in this regard are given in para 10 of the plaint. The plaintiff also owns the copyright in the code, specifications, documentation and other materials in respect of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) Software and Software
      Development Kit (SDK). The plaintiff‟s trademark BlackBerry is
      registered in Classes 9, 38 and 41. The registration numbers of the nine registrations of the plaintiff are given in para 16 of the plaint. The annual revenues of the plaintiff are given in para 17 of the plaint. The plaintiff is also owning various websites with the trademark BlackBerry forming part of its website. The plaintiff claims to have 55 million subscribers who are using the BlackBerry products and the services of the plaintiff throughout the world. As per the particulars given in para 23 of the application, the plaintiff claims the trademark BlackBerry to be well known within the meaning of Section 2(1)(zg) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999.
      3. From the newspaper report dated 4October, 2010 in the Hindustan Times, the plaintiff came to know that the defendant is offering BharatBerry services and software application whereupon the plaintiff investigated the matter and discovered the website

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      Page2 of25 owned and managed by the defendant. The defendant is offering BharatBerry software which has all the
      features of the plaintiff‟s software. On further inquires, the plaintiff
      found that an employee/representative of the defendant, Mr. Nitin
      Walia had downloaded the plaintiff‟s proprietary SDK from the
      plaintiff‟s website on or before 28September, 2010. By downloading the SDK, the defendant agreed to abide by the terms of the SDK licence agreement which explicitly prohibits the unauthorized use of the software. However, in violation of the terms of the SDK licence, the defendant developed, marketed and
      advertised the plaintiff‟s software under the name of BharatBerry by replicating the plaintiff‟s software.
      4. According to the plaintiff, the defendant has infringed the plaintiff‟s copyright in the SDK software by unauthorizedly using the application without plaintiff‟s approval. Learned Senior
      Counsel for the plaintiff further submits that the defendant is
      using the name BharatBerry with both the „B‟ in capital like in
      BlackBerry and is also passing its services as that of the plaintiff. The defendant has also violated the terms of SDK licence and BBSLA by offering hosted BES services to their parties.

      1. The plaintiff has made out a prima facie case for grant of ex-parte ad-interim injunction and this court is satisfied that unless the ex-parte ad-interim injunction is not granted, the plaintiff would suffer irreparably and the balance of convenience is also in favour of the plaintiff.

        1. 6. In the facts and circumstances of this case, the defendant is restrained from using, copying, reproducing and/or distributing any software application developed by using the SDK or BES software of the plaintiff till the next date of hearing. The defendant is also restrained from using the mark „Berry‟ as a part of its trademark or trade name or any other name similar to the plaintiff‟s trademark

        2. BlackBerry till the next date of hearing.

      2. Order XXXIX Rule 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure be complied within two weeks.

      3. The application is disposed of.

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      3. In the application filed under Order XXVI Rule 9 CPC, on the same day,
      this Court while appointing two Local Commissioners to visit the
      premises of defendant at (i) Registered office Inside Jaipur Glass Factory,
      Tonk Road, Jaipur – 302018, Rajasthan; and (ii) Head Office at Station
      Road, Durgapura, Jaipur – 302018, Rajasthan, had issued following
      directions to the Local Commissioners:
      (ii) The Local Commissioners shall prepare an inventory of the impugned software, packaging, advertising and other material on the aforesaid premises bearing trademark
      "BharatBerry" and/or "BlackBerry" or any deceptive
      variations thereof and after taking into custody, hand over the seized material on supardari to the defendant, after obtaining an undertaking that the defendant shall produce the same as and when required by this Court. The Local Commissioner shall also inspect the contents of Central Processing Units (CPUs), Compact or Floppy discs and/or any other storage media for the purposes of identification of the software in question and thereafter prepare mirror images or copies of the hard disc(s) containing such impugned software and seal the same in suitable packing material or container and deposit the same before this Court. The Local Commissioner shall also inspect and sign the books of accounts including cash books, purchase and sale records of the defendant which pertain to manufacture and sale of the infringing products.
      (iii) The Local Commissioners shall take the assistance of the technical expert to be appointed by the plaintiff for the purpose of identification of the software and for preparing mirror images and copies of the hard disc(s) containing the software.

      1. (iv) Two representatives of the plaintiffs are permitted to accompany the Local Commissioners to assist the Local Commissioners for execution of the Commissions proceedings.

      2. (v) The Local Commissioners shall visit the defendant‟s premises without giving prior notice to the defendants.

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      (vi) The fee of the Local Commissioners is fixed at Rs.70,000/-each apart from travel, transport and out of pocket expenses. The Commission shall file their reports within three weeks.
      4. Mr. Sanjay Jain, learned senior counsel for the plaintiff, submits that necessity for filing I.A.No.6114/2011 under Order I Rule 10(2) and Order VI Rule 17 CPC for impleading Bharat Berry Technologies Private Limited as defendant no.2, Mr. Ajay Data as defendant no.3 and Mr.Nitin Walia as defendant no.4, and I.A.NO.6112/2011, under Section 94(E) and Order XXXIX Rules 1 and 2 CPC praying that interim order granted by
      this Court on 18.2.2011 be extended against defendant‟s no.1 Directors,
      namely, Mr. Ajay Data, and Mr.Nitin Walia, and its sister concern/affiliate company Bharat Berry Technologies Private Limited, has arisen on account of the fact that defendants no.2-4 are closely connected with defendant no.1, Data Infosys Limited, against which the interim order dated 18.2.2011 was passed. Defendants no.2-4 initially were not made parties to the suit and taking advantage of this fact defendants no.2-4 are not only flouting and disobeying the order passed by this Court on 18.2.2011 but they have also filed a suit under Section 142 of the Trademarks Act against the plaintiff herein to gain unfair advantage and to over reach the order of this Court.
      5. On 9.5.2011 while allowing I.A.NO.6114/2011 this Court had impleaded defendants no.2 to 4 as parties to the present suit and also passed an Order in I.A.No. I.A.NO.6112/2011 by which the interim order 18.2.2011 with regard to the software was extended to defendants no.2-4. Para 5 of the order dated 9.5.2011 passed in I.A.NO.6112/2011 reads as under:
      "5. The learned counsel for defendants No.2 to 4 is not able to explain his stand with respect to „SDK‟ and „BES‟. In that view of
      the matter, the interim order dated 18February, 2011 relating to
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      software „SDK‟ and „BES‟ is extended to defendants no.2 to 4. The
      extension of the order dated 18February, 2011 relating to the use of BharatBerry by defendants No.2 to 4 shall be considered on the
      next date of hearing."
      6. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff submits that interim order dated
      18.2.2011 with regard to use of the word BERRY be extended to
      defendants no.2-4 as well as all the defendants are closely connected with
      each other.
      7. Mr. Jain further submits that after the interim order was passed, as
      directed by this Court, the Local Commissioners visited the Head Office
      of defendant no.1 company situated at Station Road, Durgapura, Jaipur –
      302018, Rajasthan. The Local Commissioner met Mr.Ajay Data and
      Mr.Nitin Walia, CEO of defendant no.1 company. The senior counsel has
      highlighted the relevant portion of the report of the Local Commissioner
      wherein it has been observed as under:

      1. (i) Ms. Charu Mehta (Counsel for the plaintiff) handed over a copy of the Court Orders along with a copy of the petition including the documents to the defendant (through Mr.Ajay Data) (paragraph 2);

      2. (ii) Mr.Nitin Walia, Director of the company was also present there (paragraph 4);

      (iii) The mark „bharat berry‟ (written in black in bold letters, bearing space between the two words, with strips representing the tricolor), appeared on the glass door(s) on entrance and the glass door(s) on further cabins (paragraph 15);
      (iv) Mr.Nitin Walia stated that, as on date, the mark „bharat berry‟ has been used since October 2010 (paragraph
      (v) Mr.Walia states that the trade mark "Bharatberry" is being used on the website (paragraph 14)"
      8. It is submitted that, during the execution of the Commission at the head
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      office of the Respondent company (Station Road, Durgapura, Jaipur 302019, Rajasthan), the plaintiff‟s representative and the Local Commissioner, Mr.Vibhav Misra, met Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia, CEO/directors/responsible officers of the defendant no.1 company. The Local Commissioner, Mr. Vibhav Misra, duly served the defendant no.1, through Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia, with a copy of the Order and paperbook and such fact of service is recorded by the Local Commissioner in his report filed with this Hon‟ble Court.
      9. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff submits that plaintiff thereafter learnt that on 3.3.2011 a company known as BharatBerry Technologies Private Limited (BBTPL) filed a Civil Suit No.32/2011, inter alia, against the plaintiff and its subsidiary, Research in Motion India Private Limited, which was listed for hearing before the Court of Additional District Judge No.VII, Jaipur, Metro Jaipur. The suit filed at Jaipur did not disclose the factum of the present suit filed by the plaintiff in this Court and the order dated 18.2.2011 passed by this Court by which defendant no.1, inter alia,
      wasrestrained from using the word „Berry‟ as part of trademark/trade
      name of defendant no.1. BBTPL alleged in its suit filed at Jaipur that the plaintiff had issued threats to them on 2.3.2011 not to use the trademark/name BharatBerry of the plaintiff. On 3.3.2011 the Court at Jaipur issued notice to the plaintiff and its subsidiary for the very next day
      i.e. 4.3.2011 and fixed the matter for hearing at 12.00 Noon. The learned Court at Jaipur, it is alleged, ignored the fact that the plaintiff is having its office at Canada and its subsidiary is located at New Delhi and thus one day notice is no notice in the eyes of law. Besides there was no merit in the suit, which had been filed, and the object of filing the said suit at Jaipur was to defeat the injunction order granted by this Court on 18.2.2011.
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      10. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff submits that since the contesting defendants (plaintiff herein) did not appear on the next date of hearing i.e. 4.3.2011 before the Court at Jaipur, as they were not served, the learned Additional District Judge at Jaipur passed an ex parte injunction order, inter alia, restraining plaintiff and its subsidiary from allegedly interfering, causing impediments/obstructions or groundlessly threatening whether directly or indirectly vis-à-vis the business affairs of BBTPL in
      carrying on or continuing business in the name and style of „BharatBerry‟.
      As advised, plaintiff filed a writ petition, challenging the said order before the High Court at Rajasthan, which was disposed of in view of availability of the alternative remedy of appeal.
      Upon receipt of the interim order from the Court at Jaipur, plaintiff started conducting enquiries with respect to BBTPL. Upon reading of the plaint, which was filed at Jaipur, plaintiff noticed that BBTPL had made numerous baseless allegations against the plaintiff and its subsidiary including that the plaintiff had visited the premises of BBTPL on 2.3.2011 and threatened BBTPL. Counsel further submits that the averment made by defendants no.2-4 in Para 10 of the plaint filed at Jaipur is a blatantly false statement as the Local Commissioners did not visit the premises of BBTPL, which is evident from the report of the Local Commissioner. Counsel next submits that in fact the plaintiff only visited the office of defendant no.1 and plaintiff was not even aware of the existence of BBTPL till that point of time. Upon further enquiries made by the plaintiff, plaintiff learnt from the records of the Registrar of Companies that BBTPL was incorporated on 21.12.2010 and is closely connected with defendant no.1, which had been injuncted by this Court from using the impugned trademark, namely, BHARATBERRY. Senior counsel for the plaintiff contends that plaintiff also learnt that Mr.Ajay Data and
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      Mr.Nitin Walia are Directors/CEO/responsible officers/promoters of BBTPL and defendant no.1.
      11. Elaborating his arguments further to show that defendant no.1 and Bharat Berry Technologies Private Limited are closely connected and they have common Directors/CEO/responsible officers/promoters, Mr. Jain submits that enquiries were made into the affairs of BBTPL, which reveal from the record of the Registrar of Companies that BBTPL was incorporated on 21.12.2010 and is closely connected with defendant no.1, which has been injuncted by this Court from using the impugned trade mark/name BharatBerry. Plaintiff also learnt that Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia are Directors/CEO/responsible officers of BBTPL and defendant no.1. and in fact on account of the closeness of the two companies defendant no.1 had issued a no objection certificate to the Registrar of Companies stating that "With reference to the cited subject, our Company DATA INFOSYS LIMITED having its registered office at Inside Jaipur Glass
      Factory, Tonk Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) hereby convey its „No Objection‟ for registration of the new Company Using the word "BHARAT BERRY"
      . Original print out from the records of the Registrar of Companies of „No Objection Certificate‟ issued by defendant no.1 has been filed as a document vide List of Documents dated 19.4.2011. Senior counsel also contends that the certificate issued by Data Infosys Limited would show a close connection between Data Infosys Limited and BBTPL otherwise there would be no occasion for one company to allow another company the use of its name. It has further been argued by learned senior counsel for the plaintiff that the two companies belong to the same person, who are acting in connivance with each other, and both -Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia – were present at the premises of defendant no.1 during the execution of the Commission by the Local Commissioners; they were
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      handed over a copy of the order passed by this Court on 18.2.2011; and they were aware that the use of the word BharatBerry had been injuncted by this Court by an order dated 18.2.2011.

      1. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff has drawn the attention of the Court to the fact that the website prior to the order dated 18.2.2011 passed by this Court showed "website designed and managed by Team Date Infosys Limited" and the same website now states "website designed and managed by Bharat Berry Technologies Pvt. Ltd.". Senior counsel further submits that the domain name
      1. is owned and controlled by defendant no.1, which would show a direct nexus between defendant no.1, BBTPL, Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia. It would further show that Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia are the main persons behind all the activities of defendant no.1 and BBTPL. It is also submitted that BBTPL and defendants are closely related companies having common Directors/Officers and both -Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia under the garb of the new company BBTPL are violating the order dated 18.2.2011 passed by this Court.

      2. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff further submits that statement of Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, who was working as Legal Officer with Data Infosys Limited since March, 2009, was recorded in Court on 21.4.2011. In the said statement it has been deposed by Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, inter alia, that Mr. Nitin Walia is the Director of Data Infosys Limited, the office of BharatBerry Technologies Private Limited is situated at D-47, Laxaman Marg, Hanuman Nagar, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. Mr. Ajay Data, Mr. Deepak Data and Mr.Nitin Walia are the Directors of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and he was also looking after the affairs of BharatBerry Technologies Private Limited. Mr.Rakesh Mamnani further deposed that the suit at Jaipur was instituted under his signatures and he

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      had signed and verified the plaint, whereas Mr.Nitin Walia had signed and verified the written statement in the present suit. The Legal Officer of Data Infosys Limited further stated that the Board of Directors of BBTPL took the decision to file a case at Jaipur in the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 3.3.2011 at 10:00 o‟clock, when he was present. He also deposed that he was aware on 3.3.2011 when the Board meeting took place that an injunction order had been passed by this Court and the Local Commissioners had conducted their proceedings on 2.3.2011. Mr. Jain contends that the statement of Sh.Rakesh Mamnani further leaves n o room for doubt about the fact that both Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia are running defendant no.1 and defendant no.4.
      14. Learned senior counsel for the plaintiff contends that with a view to continue their illegal activities and circumvent the order dated 18.2.2011 passed by this Court, defendant no.1 simply shifted the impugned operations of their company, Data Infosys Limited, to be run under BBTPL, which was a newly formed company, completely under their control and share holding. Despite, being aware of the pendency of the civil suit and the injunction order having been passed by this Court, Mr.Ajay Data and Mr. Nitin Walia, as share holders and/or Directors of BBTPL, initiated and filed a false civil suit before the Court of Additional District Judge, Jaipur, by willfully suppressing the order dated 18.2.2011 on the false pretext of receiving threats from the plaintiff. Counsel further contends that Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia would have come to know about the injunction order only from the Local Commissioners only a day before filing the suit at Jaipur, as the plaintiff had made no direct or indirect contact with them, nor the plaintiff was aware of the new company BBTPL. Counsel next contends that defendant no.1 is continuing to commit breach of the order dated 18.2.2011 in connivance
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      with defendants no.2-4 by running its website, which was de-activated upon receipt of the order dated 18.2.2011 and all references to defendant no.1 stands replaced with BBTPL.

      1. On the merits, Mr.Jain submits that the plaintiff is a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada. The plaintiff was founded in the year 1984 and claims to be the first wireless data technology developers in the world. The plaintiff is manufacturing and marketing wireless solutions for the mobile communications in the name of BlackBerry. The trademark BlackBerry was adopted by the plaintiff in the year 1999.

      2. Counsel for the plaintiff also submits that large sums of money is spent in maintaining and protecting the fruits of its labour and efforts in the form

      of intellectual property the world over. The plaintiff‟s intellectual
      properties and technologies are statutorily protected around the world including by way of trade mark, copyright, patent and design protection.
      The plaintiff‟s proprietary (i) BES software primarily designed to
      integrate and synchronize email servers with BlackBerry smartphones and
      (ii) software development tools made available in the form of the SDK, comprising the source code and object code used to program and compile applications for BlackBerry smartphones, qualify for protection as
      „original literary works‟ as contemplated under Section 2(o) and Section
      13 of the Copyright Act, 1957 and enjoy copyright protection. Such software is made available to consumers and developers either along with the smartphone or on a standalone basis under the terms of various user licences. Before one can use this software, one has to accept the terms of the respective licence agreements and abide by such terms. The plaintiff owns copyright in the code, specifications, documentation and other materials that comprise the BES software and SDK. Both India and Canada are signatories to the Berne Convention and thus works first
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      published in Canada are entitled to protection in India as well. Such protection is available under Section 40 of the Copyright Act and by virtue of the International Copyright Order passed by the Indian Government, whereunder the works first published in the convention countries mentioned in the Schedule to the Copyright order are protected and all the provisions of the Copyright Act, except in Chapter VIII relating to the rights of broadcasting organizations and of all performers, apply to any work first made or published in such countries in like manner as if the work was first published in India. Therefore, all the software products of the plaintiff are entitled to protection in India as literary works and the plaintiff is entitled to take action for infringement of its copyright in such literary works and obtain relief from the Court as provided under the Copyright Act. The plaintiff owns a global portfolio of Blackberry and BlackBerry formative trade marks including the trade mark BlackBerry. The plaintiff has secured more than 2000 registrations of BlackBerry and BlackBerry formative marks in 160 jurisdiction around the world. Copies of a selection of relevant registration certificates obtained in various countries around the world including the commonwealth countries have been filed along with the Plaint.
      17. It is also contended that with respect to India, the plaintiff has obtained the registration of BlackBerry and plaintiff has made its trademark in various classes, the example of which have been set out in the plaint. The strong global sales for its products and the extent and use and popularity
      of the plaintiff‟s BlackBerry trademark, is evident from the fact that there
      are more than 55 million subscribers using the BlackBerry products and services of the plaintiff throughout the world.
      18. Mr.Jain, learned senior counsel for the plaintiff has drawn the attention of
      the court to the plaintiff‟s revenue recorded in US$, which are reproduced
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      as under:

      1. a. $ 1 billion for the fiscal year 2005

      2. b. $ 2 billion for the fiscal year 2006

      3. c. $ 3 billion for the fiscal year 2007

      4. d. $ 6 billion for the fiscal year 2008

      5. e. $ 11 billion for the fiscal year 2009

      6. f. $ 15 billion for the fiscal year 2010"

      1. Mr.Jain also contends that plaintiff has a significant presence in Indian market and its products under the trademark BlackBerry are extensively available in the Indian market especially through relationships with Bharti Tele-Services Limited (which operates under its trade mark "AIRTEL"), Vodafone (India), Aircel, BSNL, Idea Cellular and various other operators.

      2. Counsel for the plaintiff submits that while granting interim ex parte injunction this court had considered the above factors and the submissions made by counsel for the plaintiff. Mr.Jain has strongly urged before this court that having regard to the facts of this case and having regard to the conduct of the defendants No.2 to 4, the interim order granted on 18.02.2011 should be extended so that the defendants No.2 to 4 cannot take advantage of their own wrongs in frustrating the order passed by this court. It is further urged before this court that even prior to a detailed hearing in the application under Order 39 Rules 1 and 2 and the application under Order 39 Rule 4 CPC, the interim order should be extended to defendants No.2 to 4, failing which a wrong signal would be sent to such litigants, who by adopting sharp practices want to over-reach orders of the court.

      3. Mr.S.K. Bansal, counsel for defendants has primarily raised three objections with regard to extending interim order to defendants No.2 to 4. Firstly Mr.Bansal contends that the plaintiff has not approached this court

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      with clean hands, as the plaintiff has suppressed and withheld material facts. The plaintiff has wilfully suppressed the disclaimer on the
      registration certificate with regard to the word „Berry‟. It is contended
      that on this ground alone the suit should be dismissed and the interim order dated 18.02.2011 should be vacated. Secondly, the plaintiff has failed to comply with a direction of this court by which the parties were called upon to file copies of their software on record. Mr.Bansal, counsel for defendants submits that while the defendants have complied with the order, plaintiff has not filed the software till date. The third objection raised by Mr.Bansal, counsel for the defendants is that there are large
      number of persons in the market, who are using the suffix „Berry‟ and thus the plaintiff cannot have any monopoly on the said work „Berry‟.
      22. Elaborating his first argument Mr.Bansal submits that plaintiff has failed to state in the plaint that the registration of the plaintiff with regard to the word BlackBerry was with a disclaimer. This is a material fact which has been suppressed in the plaint and during the course of hearing of the interim application. In support of this submission counsel for the defendants has placed strong reliance in the case of Om Prakash Gupta v. Parveen Kumar and Anr., reported at 2000 PTC 326, wherein a Single Judge has considered various judgments and held that concealment of material facts or documents, making any misrepresentation in court, has been seriously viewed by the Court. Relevant portion of the judgment at pages 333-334, are reproduced below:
      "As seen above, the trademark was registered subject to disclaimer that this registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of 'Sun' and the word "SURAJ". This means that the word "SURAJ" and the device of Sun do not form part of the registered trademark. And the registered trademark is only "Zafrani Patti".
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      17. Section 17 of the Act reads as under :
      "17. Registration of trade marks subject to disclaimer.-
      (a) contains any part -

      1. (i) which is not the subject of a separate application the proprietor for registration as a trade mark; or

      2. (ii) which is not separately registered by the proprietor was a trade mark; or

      3. (b) contains any matter which is common to the trade or is otherwise of a non-distinctive character;

      the Tribunal, in deciding whether the trade mark shall be entered or shall remain, on the register, may require, as a condition of its being on the register, that the proprietor shall either disclaim any right to the exclusive use of such part or of all or any portion of such matter, as the case may be, to the exclusive use of which the Tribunal holds him not to be entitled, or make such other disclaimer as the Tribunal may consider necessary for the purpose of defining the rights of the proprietor under the registration :
      Provided that no disclaimer shall affect any rights of the proprietor of a trade mark except such as arise out of the registration of the trade mark in respect of which the disclaimer is made."
      Similar provision existed in Section 13 of the earlier Trade Marks Act, 1940. The object and purpose for imposing disclaimer has been explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Registrar of Trade Marks v. Ashok Chandra Rakhit AIR 1955 SC 558 as under:
      "8. The real purpose of requiring a disclaimer is to define the rights of the proprietor under the registration so as to minimise, even if it cannot wholly eliminate, possibility of extravagant and unauthorised claims being made on the score of registration of the trade marks."
      Disclaimed part(s)/matter of the registered trademark does not form part of the registered trademark and as such is not entitled to the
      benefits available in respect of a registered trademark."

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          1. Elaborating upon the second submission Mr.Bansal contends that large number of persons in the market are using the suffix BERRY including Burberry, which has a registration under Clause 9 for the use of mobile case as well. Mr.Bansal, counsel for the defendants has drawn attention of the court to the search report conducted by him in this regard to show the various names with the suffix BERRY.

          2. Mr.Bansal further contends that a mere glance of the getup of the two marks would show that there is absolutely no similarity and the writing style is completely distinct and different and no person can be mislead. Counsel has relied upon Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Litd. v. Champion Ceramic, reported at 2010 (45) PTC 260 (Del.) and J.K. Oil Industries v. Adani Wilmar Limited, reported at 2010 (42) PTC 639 (Del.).

          3. In response to the submissions made by Mr.Bansal, counsel for the defendant, Mr.Sanjay Jain, learned senior counsel for the plaintiff, submits that the allegation of suppression are baseless and unfounded as the plaintiff has filed copies of all the registration certificates in favour of the plaintiff and only in one registration certificate there is a disclaimer

          with regard to the word „Berry‟ and thus it cannot be said that the plaintiff
          has intentionally and willfully suppressed the disclaimer from this court. It is further submitted that having regard to the fact that there is disclaimer only in one registration the defendant cannot derive any benefit.
          26. While relying on the judgment in the case reported in the case of Cadbury India Limited and Ors. v. Neeraj Good Products reported at 142 (2007) DLT 724, Mr.Jain, learned senior counsel for the plaintiff submits that the injunction order can be passed on the basis of the registration certificate in which there is no disclaimer. Para 68 of the judgment reads as under:
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          "68. There is no dispute that the registration of the plaintiff which have been granted to the plaintiff bearing No. 249360 on 20th May, 1968 in Class 30 for CADBURY MILK CHOCOLATES GEMS '(Word)' contained the disclaimer on the exclusive right to use 'GEMS'. On the registration bearing No. 249841, there is an additional disclaimer regarding the use the device of tablets. However, it is undisputed that the plaintiff No. 1 has a registration dated 21st September, 1973 in respect of 'CADBURY's GEMS' Label bearing No. 291026 in Class 30 on which there is no such disclaimer. I find force in the submissions of the plaintiff that by this registration alone, the plaintiff is entitled to maintain an action for infringement of trademark against the defendant if it establishes that the defendant is dishonestly using a mark
          which is similar to the plaintiff's registered mark."

          1. As far as the submissions made by counsel for the defendants with regard to non-filing of the software is concerned, Mr.Jain submits that the software was sent to the expert for its opinion and only for this reason there has been delay in filing copies of the software. With regard to the third submission made by Mr.Bansal, Mr.Jain, counsel for the plaintiff submits that placing reliance on the search report can be of no aid, help and assistance to the defendants, as almost all the registrations do not pertain to mobile phones except Burberry which primarily deals with accessories and not with respect to the mobilephones. Mr.Jain also submits that with respect to the other users, the products and services are different and there is no phonetic and any other similarity in the mark as in the present case.

          2. I have heard learned senior counsel for the plaintiff and also learned counsel for the defendant. Ordinarily the submission made by learned counsel for the defendant that all pending applications including the application filed by defendants under Order XXXIX Rule 4 CPC should be heard and disposed of by a composite order would no doubt be the

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          correct manner of dealing with this application. But the facts of this case and the manner in which the newly added defendants no.2 to 4 have successfully defeated the interim order passed by this Court on 18.2.2011 till date requires I.A.No.6112/2011 to be heard and taken up at the very first opportunity available and on account of paucity of time it is not possible to take up all the applications today and having regard to the conduct of defendants no.2-4 and to meet the ends of justice I deem it appropriate to take up I.A.No.6112/2011.
          29. This matter had come up for hearing before this Court on 14.12.2011. Learned counsel for the plaintiff had pressed hearing of this application but in view of the fact that the suit filed by defendants no.2 to 4 was pending in the Court at Jaipur, this court was not inclined to hear the matter. At that stage, Mr. Jain had pointed out that plaintiff had visited Jaipur at least 15 dates to bring to the notice of the Court that the present suit had been filed earlier in point of time and also the fact that Directors of defendant no.1 and defendant no.2 were common and in fact one and the same persons. On account of the conduct of defendants no.2 to 4 the matter could not attain finality, however, having regard to the judicial discipline, this Court adjourned the matter to 10.1.2012. As a word of caution the Court observed that the submissions made by Mr. Jain would be considered on the next date even if the final order was not passed by the Additional District Judge at Jaipur. When the matter was listed on 10.1.2012, this Court was informed that the matter was listed for pronouncement at Jaipur and only thereafter arguments were heard on behalf of counsel for the plaintiff on the application. This Court was also informed today before hearing commences that the interim application of defendants no.2 to 4 has been dismissed and the matter has been adjourned to 21.1.2012 for passing an order on an application filed by
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          plaintiff herein for dismissal of the suit under Order VII Rule 11 CPC read with Section 142(2) of Trade Marks Act. Pursuant to the orders passed by this Court on 18.2.2011 two Local Commissioners, who were appointed visited the office of defendant no.1. The report of the Local Commissioner clearly shows that the Local Commissioner did not visit the office of defendant no.2. Prima facie it seems that defendant no.2 had made this averment in the plaint filed in the Court at Jaipur only with a view to mislead the Court at Jaipur that the Local Commissioner along with the representative of the plaintiff had visited the office of defendant no.2 and threatened defendant no.2, which led to the filing of the suit by them under Section 142 of Trade Marks Act.
          30. I have carefully perused the pleadings and documents on record and the statement recorded in court of Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, Legal Officer of defendant No.1. Statement of Mr. Rakesh Mamnani reads as under:
          "Statement of Rakesh Mamnani, s/o Shri Ghanshyam Das
          Mamnanz, aged 31 years, r/o Mamnani Kunj, Plot No.644/6, 12B Road, Sardarpura, Sodhpur -343003 (on S.A.)

          1. I am working as Legal Officer with Data Infosys Limited since March, 2009. My office is at Station Road, Durgapura, Jaipur. Mr. Babu Lal Data, Mr. Deepak Data, Mr. Nitin Walia, Mr. Mukesh Gupta, Mr. M.L. Oswal and Ms. Ritika Data are the Directors of Data Infosys Limited.

          2. The office of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is at D-47, Laxaman Marg, Hanuman Nagar, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. Mr. Ajay Data, Mr. Deepak Data and Mr. Nitin Walia are the Directors of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. I am also looking after the affairs of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

          3. The suit filed by BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. LTd. at Jaipur has been instituted by me on behalf of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. LTd. I have signed and verified the plaint.

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              1. Mr. Nitin Walia had signed and verified the written statement filed in this case.

              2. I was not present in the office of Data Infosys Limited when

              the Local Commissioner visited on 2March, 2011. I was on leave on that day. I came to know of the inspection of the Local
              Commissioner after one day, i.e., on 3March, 2011.
              6. The Board of Directors of BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. took the decision to file the case at Jaipur. The meeting of the
              Board of Directors took place on 3March, 2011 at the office of Laxaman Marg, Hanuman Nagar, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur at 10:00
              o‟clock. I was present in the meeting in which the decision was
              taken to file the suit at Jaipur. The Board resolution was also passed in the meeting. I can produce the Board resolution before this Court.

              7. I was aware on 3March, 2011 when the Board meeting took place that an injunction order has been granted by this Court
              and the Local Commissioner proceedings of 2March, 2011.
              8. I do not know whether Data Infosys Limited and BharatBerry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. are using Software Development Kit (SDK) or BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) software of the plaintiff. I will find out from the technical department and will also produce the relevant records in this regard
              on the next date of hearing."

              31. Before dealing with the submissions made by Mr.Bansal on merits, the
              facts of this case would unfold the conduct and manner in which
              defendant Nos.2 to 4 have successfully defeated and violated interim
              orders passed by this court on 18.02.2011, only on the ground that they
              were not specifically arrayed as parties to the present suit. The facts
              would also show that once the defendants No.2 to 4 who are closely
              connected with defendant no.1 became aware of the interim order dated
              18.02.2011 passed by this court, they successfully frustrated the interim

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              order by filing a suit under Section 142 of the Trade Marks Act in the Court of Additional District Judge No.VII, Jaipur, Metro Jaipur.
              32. Based on the documents placed on record and the submissions made by Mr.Jain, senior counsel for the plaintiff, and upon the statement made by Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, the following undisputed facts would show that:

              1. (i) defendants no.1 and 2 are closely connected with each other. Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia are Directors/CEO/responsible officers of BBTPL and defendant no.1;

              2. (ii) at the time when the Local Commissioners visited the office of defendant no.1, Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia were present. This is evident from the report of the Local Commissioner;

              (iii) Copy of the order dated 18.2.2011 was handed over to Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia, which was duly received by them. This is evident from the report of the Local Commissioner and thus both Sh. Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia had knowledge of the Interim Order passed by this Court.

              1. (iv) No Objection Certificate, which was issued by defendant no.1 to Registrar of Companies, giving its no objection for registration of the new company using the word Bharat Berry. The fact shows the closeness of the two companies. This is evident from the copy of No Objection Certificate filed by defendants with its list of document son 19.4.2011;

              2. (v) On receipt of copy of the summons and injunction order dated 18.2.2011 Mr.Ajay Data and Mr.Nitin Walia conducted a meeting of Board of Directors of defendant no.2

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              and took a decision to file a suit at Jaipur. This is evident from the statement made by Mr.Rakesh Mamnani on 21.4.2011;
              (vi) The statement of Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, legal officer of Data Infosys Limited also reveals that Mr.Nitin Walia is the Director of defendants no.1 and 2;
              (vii) Mr.Nitin Walia has signed and verified the written statement in the present case; and
              (viii) Prior to order dated 18.2.2011 passed by this Court the
              website of defendant no.1 read as "website designed and managed by Team Date Infosys Limited" and the same
              website after passing the order dated 18.2.2011 the website
              read as "website designed and managed by Bharat Berry Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and the domain name
     is owned and controlled by defendant no.1.
              33. The statement of Mr.Rakesh Mamnani, Law Officer, which is reproduced above would show that soon after Local Commissioner visited the office of Data Infosys Limited and handed over a copy of the injunction order, the Board meeting of defendant no.2 was called on 3.3.2011 at 10.00 a.m. and it was decided to institute the suit had Jaipur. The Law Officer who signed and verified the plaint with regard to the suit to be filed at Jaipur and also stated in the statement that when the Board meeting took place he was aware of the injunction order having been passed and the proceedings of the Local Commissioner on 2.3.2011. Both Mr. Ajay Data and Mr. Nitin Walia were also present at the time when the Local Commissioner visited the office of defendant no.1. Having regard to the peculiar facts of this case and the manner in which defendants no.2-4 have
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              conducted themselves, I deem it appropriate to extend the injunction order against defendants no.2-4 before hearing the applications at the earliest date possible. At this stage, this order is necessary to be passed at the earliest opportunity available. To meet the ends of justice and with regard to the manner the proceedings have been conducted by defendants no.2 to 4, defendants no.2 to 4, their servants, agents, employees, persons, sister concerns, assignees, are restrained from using the mark Berry as part of
              their trade mark/name or any other name similar to the plaintiff‟s trade mark „BlackBerry‟ till the next date of hearing.
              34. Even on the merits of matter, prima facie, I am of the view that there is no suppression of facts by the plaintiff as merely because in one of the registrations there is a disclaimer, it would be of little or no consequence as there are subsequent registrations in favour of the plaintiff where there is no disclaimer. I am in respectful agreement with the view expressed by this Court in the case of Cadbury India Limited and Ors. (supra). I also find no force in the submission made by learned counsel for the defendants that since the software has not been filed by plaintiff on this ground alone the injunction order should be vacated, as the explanation rendered by Mr.Jain is cogent that the software has been sent for expert opinion and the matter is taking time. There is also no merit in the submission made by learned counsel for the defendants that there are many players in the market, who are using the suffix BERRY, for the reason that the names have no phonetic similarity and the products are entirely different. As far as Burberry is concerned, it is primarily a clothing company and it does not deal in mobile phones. The submission made by Mr.Bansal shall be considered at length when the applications under Order XXXIX Rules 1 and 2 CPC and Order XXXIX Rule 4 CPC are heard in detail.
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                1. Prima facie

                1. the plaintiff has been able to make out a strong case on merits on the basis of which the injunction order was granted on 8.2.2011 and for the reasons stated above, the order dated 8.2.2011 is extended to newly added defendants no.2-4. Prima facie, I am also of the view that defendants have willfully violated the order dated 8.2.2011 passed by this Court as they were well aware of the fact that defendant no.1 had been injuncted from using the software and the mark BERRY. Being common Directors, defendants no.2-4 circumvented the order dated 8.2.2011 passed by this Court by conducting business in their pocket company, defendant no.2. Defendants have interfered in the administration of justice and they have willfully disobeyed the order passed by this Court on 18.2.2011. Defendants no.3 and 4 shall show cause as to why contempt proceedings be not initiated. Defendants no.3 and 4 are also directed to remain present in Court on the next date of hearing.

                2. I.A.NO.6112/2011 stands disposed of.


                CS(OS) 373/2011, I.A.NOS.2476/2011, 2478/2011, 7578-79/2011
                37. List on 7.2.2012.

                G.S.SISTANI,J JANUARY 12, 2012

                CS(OS) 373/2011

                Friday, December 25, 2009

                Aftab Tobacco Products vs Amanat Tobacco Gul Manufacture

                Equivalent citations: 2006 (32) PTC 713 Reg
                Bench: D Bansod, Artm
                Aftab Tobacco Products vs Amanat Tobacco Gul Manufacture on 27/3/2006
                D.S. Bansod, ARTM
                1 The matter relates to the Review Petition dated 4th June, 2004 on FormTM−57 under Section 97(C) of the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 filed bythe opponents/petitioners against the Order dated 5th May, 2004 passed by ShriRamji Lal, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks (under the provisions of The TradeMarks Act, 1999) vide which the Opposition No. DEL−T−3769 was abandoned. Thegrounds of review are stated in the Review Petition (Statement of Case).
                2 In brief the facts in this case are that the trade mark Raja Gul Label wassought for registration under application No. 583085 in class 34 claimingproprietorship to the mark since the year 1987 by M/s Aftab Tobacco Products,Malikpura, P.O. Mohamadabad, Yusufpur, Distt, Ghazipur, U.P. The application wasadvertised in Trade Marks Journal No. 1269 dated 16th April, 2002 at page No.
                1 A notice of opposition on Form TM−5 was lodged on 5th August, 2002 by M/sAmanat Tobacco Gul Manufacturers, Near Mahavir Dharamshala, Yusufpur,Mohamadabad, Distt, Ghazipur, U.P − 23227, objecting to the registration of theaforesaid mark of the Applicant under Sections 9, 11(a), 11(c), 12(1), 12(3) and18(1) of the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958. The counter−statement wasfiled by the applicant on 23rd April, 2003 denying all the material averments inthe notice of opposition. A request on Form TM−56 was filed for an extension oftime (two months) up to 11th April, 2004 for filing the opponent’s evidence insupport of opposition. The said request was partly allowed and the extension oftime up−to 15th March, 2004 was granted to the opponents for filing an evidenceand informed to the opponent vide office letter No. 9444 dated 5th March, 2004as per provision of Rule 50(1) of the Trade Marks Rules, 2002. Another requeston Form TM−56 was filed for extension of time of one month (i.e. 15.03.2004 to15.04.2004) but the said request was refused under the provision of Trade MarksAct, 1999 on 25th March, 2004.
                2 The Review Petition came up for hearing before me on 24th October, 2005when Shri O.P. Chauhan, Advocate appeared on behalf of the Opponents/Petitionersand Shri Ajay Amitabh Suman, Advocate authorised by M/s Delhi RegistrationService appeared on behalf of the Applicant/Respondent.
                3 The legal position of review under the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the TradeMarks Rules, 2002 are that they did not specify any grounds for review of theRegistrar’s decision. The provisions contained in Order 47 Rule 1 of the Code ofCivil Procedure do not in terms apply to the proceedings before the Registrar.But since the Legislature has deliberately used a term which has a known legalsignificance in Law, it must be taken that the Legislature has attacked to thatterm that known legal significance. Hence, it would appear that the term"Review" in Section 127(C) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 must be construed ashaving the same legal meaning as in Order 47 Rule 1 of Civil Procedure Code.
                4 Under Order 47 Rule 1 of Civil Procedure Code, a Review Petition can beentertained only on the basis of one or more of the following grounds:

                I. On the ground of discovery of new and important matter or evidencewhich, after the exercise of due diligence, was not within the Applicantsknowledge or could not be produced by him at the time when the decree was passedor order made, or

                II. On account of some mistake or error apparent on the face of the Record,
                or III. For any other sufficient reason.
                1 The question arises whether there is any mistake or error apparent on theface of the record to review the order.
                2 Shri O.P. Chauhan, Advocate for the opponents/petitioners readout thestatement of the case and grounds of Review and submitted that the evidence ofthe opponents filed on 5.4.2004 was not considered in the present case and lawwas not properly applied. Shri O.P. Chauhan, Advocate further submitted that theorder for abandonment was passed under the 1999 Act cogently in violation andcontravention of Section 159(4) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999. Hence, order assuch should have been passed under the 1958 Act, which is still in force asenumerated under Section 159(4) of the 1999 Act as the instant opposition wasfiled under the provisions of 1958 Act and not under the Trade Marks Act, 1999.Moreover, the refusal of TM−56 dated 16th March, 2004 was not communicated tothe opponents which is a serious lapse on the part of the ex−Assistant Registrarand hence there is a patent mistake or error apparent on the face of record asenvisage within the provisions of Order 47, Rule 1 of Civil Procedure Code.
                3 Shri Ajay Amitabh Suman, Advocate appeared on behalf of theapplicant/respondent stated that the Trade Marks Act, 1999 is actionable forTM−56 dated 9.2.2004 and thereafter dated 16.3.2004 and invited my attention toRule 50 of The Trade Marks Rules, 2002 as well as Section (sic) of The TradeMarks Act, 1999 and requested for dismissal of the Review Petition with cost asthere is no apparent mistake on the face of the record.
                4 Shri O.P. Chauhan submitted that the opponents evidence was on record onthe date of passing an impugned order dated 5th May, 2004 and requested to allowthe review petition filed by the opponents/petitioners.

                11. The provisions of Rule 50 of The Trade Marks Rules, 2002 are as under:
                Evidence in support of opposition.−

                (1) Within two months from services on him of a copy of thecounterstatement or within such further period not exceeding one month in theaggregate thereafter as the Registrar may on request allow the opponent shalleither leave with the Registrar, such evidence by way of affidavit as he maydesire to adduce in support of his opposition or shall intimate to the Registrarand to the applicant in writing that he does not desire to adduce evidence insupport of his opposition but intends to rely on the facts stated in the noticeof opposition. He shall deliver to the applicant copies of any evidence that heleaves with the Registrar under this sub−rule and intimate the Registrar inwriting of such delivery.

                (2) If an opponent takes no action under Sub−rule (1) within the timementioned therein, he shall be deemed to have abandoned his opposition.

                (3) An application for the extension of the period of one month mentionedin Sub−rule (1) shall be made in Form TM−56 accompanied by the prescribed feebefore the expiry of the period of two months mention and therein.
                12. Under Rule 50(1) two months time is permitted to file the opponentsevidence and thereafter one month extension in the aggregate can be granted andif the request is allowed the opponent shall either Leave with the Registrar,such evidence by way of affidavit as he may desire to adduce in support of hisopposition or shall intimate to the Registrar and to the applicant in writingthat he does not desire to adduce evidence in support of his opposition butintends to rely on the facts stated in the notice of opposition. In the present case opponents/petitioners has filed evidence after the 3 months period i.e. on5th April, 2004. The extension of time up to 15th March, 2004 was granted to theopponents for filing an evidence and was accordingly informed to the opponentsvide office Letter No. 9944 dated 5th March, 2004. Therefore the order wasrecorded on 25th March, 2004 under the provision of Rule 50(2) which says "If anopponent takes no action under Sub−rule (1) within the time mentioned therein,he shall be deemed to have abandoned his opposition. This fact was considered bythe Registrar at the time of passing the order as provided in Rule 50 of theTrade Marks Rules, 2002. Hence, there is no error apparent on the face of therecord as pleaded by the opponents/petitioners.
                The application for registration was filed on 15.10.1992 and the saidmatter is pending, I feel great injustice will accrue to the applicant ifregistration is denied to the applicant for the negligence of the Opponents.Moreover, the opponents/petitioners have a remedy to apply for itsrectification.
                1 I find that a careful consideration was given to the material placed onthe record. I do not find any reason or mistake apparent on the face of therecord to justify the review of the order in the absence of any petition. In thepresent case as already observed above the then Assistant Registrar vide hisOrder dated 5th May, 2004 gave a definite finding on merits after taking intoconsideration all the facts lead before him.
                2 In view of the foregoing and on consideration of the overall facts andcircumstances of the case, I hereby dismiss the Review Petition filed by theopponents/petitioners.
                16. There shall be no order as to the costs.


                Guna Complex, Annexe-I, 2nd Floor, 443, Anna Salai,
                Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018

                (Circuit Bench sitting at Delhi)

                TRA/108/2004/TM/DEL (C.O. No. 7/1998)

                THURSDAY THIS, THE 17th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2005

                Hon’ble SHRI JUSTICE S. JAGADEESAN -- Chairman
                Hon’ble DR. RAGHBIR SINGH --Vice-Chairman

                Trading as
                M/s. GALAXY FOOTWEAR
                A-21/1, Naraina Industrial Area
                NEW DELHI - 110 028 -- Applicant

                (By Advocate – None)

                1. M/s. OSWAL INDUSTRIES
                H-26, Udyog Nagar
                DELHI – 110 041.

                Trade Marks Registry
                Okhla Industrial Estate
                NEW DELHI – 110 020 -- Respondents

                (By Advocate – Shri Ajay Amitabh Suman for R-1)

                O R D E R
                (No. 60 of 2005)

                Hon’ble Shri Justice S. Jagadeesan

                While the matter was pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, the learned counsel for the first respondent filed IA/104/2000 for discharging him from the case and the High Court directed notice to the applicant. By endorsement dated 20.11.2001 from the High Court, it is seen that the notice sent to the applicant returned un-served with endorsement ‘Locked’. Fresh notice was ordered by the High Court on 4.11.2003, the service of which could not be effected. The notice send from the Registry of the Appellate Board to the applicant also returned with remarks that ‘Galaxy Footwear is closed since long’, who is the applicant herein. In view of the same, no option is left with us but to dismiss the TRA/108/2004/TM/DEL for non-prosecution. Accordingly, the same is dismissed.
                (Dr. Raghbir Singh) (Justice S. Jagadeesan) Vice-Chairman Chairman
                Disclaimer: This order is being published for present information and should not be taken as a certified copy issued by the Board.


                Guna Complex Annexe-I, 2nd Floor, 443, Anna Salai,
                Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018

                (Circuit Bench sitting at Delhi)

                C.O.D. No. 15 of 2004 in S.R. No 190/2004/TM/IPAB

                WEDNESDAY THIS, THE 9th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2005

                Hon’ble Shri JUSTICE S. JAGADEESAN -- Chairman
                Hon’ble Dr. RAGHBIR SINGH --Vice-Chairman

                1. M/s. HAMDARD INDUSTRIES
                Dhaunra Tanda
                BAREILLY – 243 204
                UTTAR PRADESH -- Petitioner/Appellant

                (By Advocate Shri Ajay Amitabh Suman)


                2A/3, Asaf Ali Road
                NEW DELHI – 110 002.

                TRADE MARKS REGISTRY
                Okhla Industrial Area
                NEW DELHI – 110 020. -- Respondents

                (By Advocate - Ms. Monika Vij for R1)

                O R D E R (No.45/05)

                Hon’ble Shri Justice S. Jagadeesan

                The petitioner has preferred this appeal against the order of the Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks, New Delhi dated 23.7.2004 wherein the opposition of the first respondent was allowed and the application of the petitioner for registration was rejected.

                2. The petition is to condone the delay of 28 days for filing the appeal. The petitioner has stated that the order of the Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks, New Delhi was communicated to the counsel on 17.8.2004 and the same was forwarded to the petitioner by their counsel. The petitioner has misplaced the impugned order of the Assistant Registrar and totally forgot about the filing of appeal till they were reminded by their counsel. Immediately on the reminder, the petitioner gave instructions to their counsel to prefer the appeal and the appeal was filed before this Board on 13.12.2004. The period of limitation prescribed under Section 91(1) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999, is three months from the date of communication of the order. Hence the appeal ought to have been filed on or before 16.11.2004. The delay is due to misplacement of the impugned order and as such, the delay is neither wilful nor wanton. The delay being a bonafide one, unless the delay is condoned, the petitioner will be prejudiced. Hence the delay has to be condoned. The learned counsel for the petitioner Shri Ajay Amitabh Suman argued the matter reiterating the averments made in support of the petition for condoning the delay.

                3. Ms. Monika Vij, the learned counsel for the first respondent, by referring to some of the judgements, vehemently opposed the application for condoning the delay contending that the petitioner has not explained each day’s delay and as such, the petition is liable to be dismissed. Further, the learned counsel for the first respondent contented that the whole-sale reason given by the petitioner cannot be accepted and it is for the petitioner to instruct the counsel for filing the appeal, immediately on receipt of the impugned order. The misplacement of the impugned order itself establishes the grave negligence on the part of the petitioner and as such, the petitioner failed to establish any sufficient cause for condoning the delay.

                4. We carefully considered the above contentions of both the counsels. It is unnecessary for us to refer to the judgements cited by the learned counsel for the first respondent for the simple reason that the factum of the availability of sufficient cause has to be considered on the facts and circumstances of each case and the precedence cannot be followed in a blanket manner.

                5. Coming to the reason given by the petitioner for the delay is that their counsel immediately on receipt of the impugned order of the Assistant Registrar had forwarded the same to them and they misplaced the said impugned order. Due to the misplacement of the impugned order they totally forgot about the matter till a reminder came from their counsel. Immediately, the petitioner made arrangements and the appeal has been filed with a delay of 28 days. It is for us to consider whether the reason given by the petitioner for the delay would be a sufficient cause as contemplated under Section 91, which is in parametria Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963.

                6. The reason given by the petitioner is misplacement of the impugned order received by them. The misplacement cannot be explained for everyday. Naturally, the papers have to be traced and unless and until it is established that there is some malafide intention of the petitioner to drag on the proceedings, it will amount to sufficient cause. Hence we are of the opinion that there is sufficient cause for condoning the delay.

                7. Though we found that there is sufficient cause for condonation of delay, there is no doubt that misplacement of the order is due to negligence on the part of the petitioner to protect their right. Even though there may not be any malafide intention to delay the proceedings but still the petitioner could have been a little more careful in prosecuting the matter by avoiding the delay. Hence we impose a cost of Rs. 2,500/- on the petitioner for condoning the delay. This C.O.D. petition No. 15/2004 is ordered on condition that the petitioner shall pay a sum of Rs. 2,500/- to the learned counsel for the first respondent or the first respondent by way of Demand Draft within one week from the receipt of this order, failing which the C.O.D shall stand dismissed.
                (Dr. Raghbir Singh) (Justice S. Jagadeesan)
                Vice-Chairman Chairman
                Disclaimer: This order is being published for present information and should not be taken as a certified copy issued by the Board

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