BOrder Date:26.11.2018
Case No. CS (Comm) 1120 of 2016
Delhi High Court
Vibhu Bakhru, H.J.
Luxembourg Brands Vs G.M Pens
Plaintiff’s Trademark REYNOLDS and TRIMAX
Defendant’s Trade MARK REYNOLDS
Defendant subsequently adopted trademark RORITO
Defendant subsequently changed its mark to T-MAX
Defendant again changed to TERAMAX because of injunction order passed against it.
The Court observed that It is well settled that a party which is restrained from using a particular trademark must follow the safe distance rule and ensure that the trademark adopted is not even remotely similar to the trademark, the use of which has been interdicted. In the present case , it Defendant was using similar label, inspite of injunction order, the same was held guilty of disobeying the court order.
Ajay Amitabh Suman, IPR Advocate, Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, 9990389539
कॉफी बनाम चाय युद्ध – एक अदालत में टकराव
कॉफी बनाम चाय युद्ध – एक अदालत में टकराव
अदालत में दो वकील, श्रीमान A और श्रीमान B, एक बेहद गर्मागर्म बहस में उलझे
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