Friday, June 21, 2024

Rajat Sharma Vs X Corp and others

Right of Public Criticism Versus Personality Right


This case explores the conflict between the right to public criticism and personality rights through a recent legal case involving a prominent Indian journalist and TV anchor. The case highlights the tension between protecting individual dignity and upholding freedom of speech. By examining the factual background, legal reasoning, implications, and conclusions, this article provides a comprehensive analysis of the broader legal principles at play in such disputes, emphasizing the delicate balance courts must maintain.

Factual Background:

The plaintiff, Rajat Sharma, a well-known Indian journalist and TV anchor, also serves as the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Independent News Service Private Limited (India TV). Renowned for his credible reporting, courage, and public interest advocacy, Sharma's personality rights were previously recognized by the court. On January 11, 2019, in the case of *Rajat Sharma and Anr. vs. Ashok Venkatramani & Anr.*, the court restrained the defendants from using Sharma's name in any manner. More recently, on May 30, 2024, in *Independent News Service Pvt. Ltd. & Anr. vs. Ravindra Kumar Choudhary & Ors.*, the court issued an order preventing the defendants from using Sharma's name and photograph.

The current dispute arose when defendants Nos. 4 to 6 posted allegedly defamatory statements on the social media platform 'X' (formerly Twitter) and held a press conference on June 10-11, 2024. They accused Sharma of using abusive language during a live debate on India TV on June 4, 2024. Sharma contended that these statements were false and had significantly harmed his reputation, prompting him to seek an injunction for the deletion of the tweets and other defamatory content from social media.


The court's reasoning in this case hinged on balancing two fundamental rights: the right to free speech and expression, and the right to personal dignity. The former is enshrined in Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian Constitution, while the latter is protected under Articles 14 and 21, which encompass the right to equality and the right to life and personal liberty, respectively.

Assessment of Defamation: The court examined whether the statements made by the defendants were indeed defamatory. Defamation, in this context, involves the publication of a false statement that injures a person's reputation. The court found that the defendants' statements were not only false but also damaging to Sharma's reputation, as they were widely disseminated and believed to be true by a significant audience.

Public Criticism vs. Defamation: The court recognized the importance of public criticism in a democratic society. However, it emphasized that such criticism must be truthful and not based on fabricated facts. The court noted that while public figures are subject to higher scrutiny and criticism, this does not give license to spread false information that harms their reputation.

Prima Facie Evidence: The court relied on prima facie evidence, which indicated that the videos and tweets were manipulated to misrepresent the facts. This misrepresentation was deemed an intentional effort to malign Sharma's reputation, rather than a legitimate exercise of free speech.

Imminent Threat: Given the persistent nature of digital content, the court highlighted the imminent threat posed by the continued presence of defamatory statements online. This potential for ongoing harm justified the need for immediate injunctive relief.

Legal Implications:

The court's decision to grant an injunction has significant legal implications for the intersection of personality rights and freedom of expression:

Precedent for Personality Rights: The case reinforces the legal precedent that personality rights, particularly for public figures, must be protected against false and defamatory statements. This protection extends to preventing the unauthorized use of names and images.

Responsibility of Social Media Platforms: The ruling underscores the responsibility of social media platforms to act against defamatory content. Platforms must ensure that false and damaging statements are promptly removed to prevent harm to individuals' reputations.

Balance of Rights: The decision highlights the delicate balance courts must strike between protecting free speech and preventing defamation. This balance is crucial in maintaining democratic values while safeguarding individual dignity.

Duty of Truthfulness: The case emphasizes the duty of individuals to remain truthful when exercising their right to free speech. False and sensationalized statements that harm others' reputations are not protected under the guise of free expression.

Threshold for Public Figures: Public figures, by virtue of their position, have a higher threshold for defamation claims. This means that the statements made against them must be proven to be false and made with malicious intent. In this case, the court found that the defendants' statements met this threshold, as they were intentionally false and aimed at damaging Sharma's reputation.

Truth as a Defense: The primary defense in defamation cases is the truth of the statements made. However, the defendants failed to provide any substantial evidence to support their claims that Sharma used abusive language. The court noted that the burden of proof lies with the defendants to show that their statements were true, which they could not do in this instance.

Public Interest and Malice: While statements made in the public interest are generally protected, the court found that the defendants' statements were not made in good faith but were instead malicious and intended to harm Sharma's reputation. This distinction is crucial in defamation cases involving public figures, where the intent behind the statements plays a significant role in determining their legality.

Impact of Digital Media: The court also considered the unique challenges posed by digital media, where false statements can quickly spread and cause widespread harm. The ruling emphasized the need for stringent measures to prevent the misuse of digital platforms for defamation, reinforcing the responsibility of social media companies to monitor and remove harmful content.

The case of Rajat Sharma versus his detractors provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the legal and social dynamics at play in defamation disputes involving public figures. The court's decision reinforces the importance of truthful public discourse and the protection of personal dignity, setting a significant precedent for future cases in this evolving area of law.

Case Citation: Rajat Sharma Vs X Corp and others:14.06.2024:CS Comm 495 of 2024:2024:DHC:4757:Delhi High Court: Meena Bansal Krishna, H.J.


The information shared here is intended to serve the public interest by offering insights and perspectives. However, readers are advised to exercise their own discretion when interpreting and applying this information. The content herein is subjective and may contain errors in perception, interpretation, and presentation.

Written By: Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
IP Adjutor [Patent and Trademark Attorney]
Mob No.:+91-9990389539

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